The studio artists here at Palmer Modern are members of Sarasota Studio Artists Association, a dynamic community of more than 70 Sarasota-based artists. On the second Saturday of every month, Palmer Modern, along with other SSAA artists, open our studios to visitors from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. It's a great way to discover and support artists within Sarasota County’s diverse cultural arts community! LEARN MORE>>
Next Open Studio: December 14, 2024
11 AM - 3 PM
Palmer Modern is the destination for collectors
who are looking for high quality fine art.
Palmer Modern is Sarasota's newest art gallery with working artist studio spaces. Located in the Lime Art Building at 925 North Lime Avenue in Sarasota, Palmer Modern features my personal working art studio and gallery. In addition, I am joined by five other talented artists who have studio spaces there as well. I encourage you to visit us while we work in our studios. We'll share stories, educate and inspire you, and offer you insights into our creative process.
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I Graduated from Parsons School of Design, with a background in realism, and an expertise in traditional oil portraits. “As I evolved as an artist, I began to see the world through a new and exciting lens. I discovered that I could apply the traditional techniques that I was trained in, which at times felt constrictive, and learned to enjoy the playfulness of creating large format abstract concepts. Instead of rendering the life out my subjects, I attempt to capture the spirit and soul of whatever I paint.” -CRAIG PALMER
Contact Me
925 North Lime Avenue, Sarasota, FL 34237